Monday, July 5, 2010

Loooooooooooooonng Hike @ Lory State Park

Well, it was a long one today. I started @ 6:20 a.m. and finished at 11:20 a.m. By the time I ended it was 89 degrees. I don't like heat! It's a good thing I did all the open areas first so the end of the hike was mainly through the trees. I was beat by the time I finished and didn't want to go up another hill if I could help it for the last 3 miles or so. I parked at the Soderberg Trailhead today so that I could do some different trails w/out doing too much mileage. Well, part of that concept worked! It WAS a different trailhead and I did do different trails!

It was a beautiful day and I saw a couple of bucks early on.

The wildflowers were out in force. I even saw some Beebalm today which I normally don't see. The rest of the flowers were pretty typical for the area.

The views of the front range were gorgeous. The boats/hikers/campers were out in full force at Horsetooth Reservoir.

At the end I saw a doe and her baby. The baby was very scared of me and tried to scamper away but wasn't sure which direction to take. I had fun watching!

Horsetooth Mountain Park to Lory State Park
Trails Used: Swan Johnson to Shoreline to Nomad to South Valley Loop to West Valley to Kimmons to Timber to Howard to Mill Creek Link to Logger's Trail to Tower's Trail to Swan Johnson

Distance: 15.3 Miles (I adjusted since I knew the actual time I hiked, the GPS and I didn't get along very well today)
Difficulty: Difficult due to length otherwise moderate
Moving average: 3.4 mph
Overall average: 3.0 mph
Moving Time: 4 hrs, 26 min (adjusted due to defective GPS)
Stopped Time: 32 min, 04 sec
Total Ascent: 2249 ft.
Maximum elevation: 6737 ft.

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