Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Made it to the top of Angels Landing!

Had a beautiful sunny morning for our hike to the top of Angels Landing.  
 It's a short but very steep hike.  They advise against small children doing it but if the children and the adults are careful and want to, I see no reason not to try it.  I had one child (age 6) who wanted to do the whole thing and another (age 7) who turned around about .5 mile from the top since he started to feel uncomfortable.  We did make sure that we had a hand of Q's on the steeper sections and she knew she needed to listen to us as well.  When we told her to sit and wait, we expected her to sit and wait.
 The waterfalls along the way were pretty.

 Nice views down the valley:
 One of the steep sections, lots of switchbacks, and yes I think that guy is green was running up!
 View of trail from above:
 Right before everyone split off (Daddy, Gma, and C headed back; Q, me, and Poppa kept going up)
 Taking a Poppa break; I don't think Q noticed the uphill at this point, she's very competitive and just wanted to get to the top since her brother didn't.
 Looking back:
 At the summit!
Hike: Angels Landing
Trails Used: Angels Landing
Distance:  6.24 miles
Difficulty: Moderate to difficult but steep
Overall average: 2.0 mph
Overall Time: 3 hr, 08 min
Total Ascent: 3700 ft.

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