Monday, March 17, 2014

Beware...the goblins are going to get you!

View from observation point:
We took the Entrada Canyon Trail from the campground.  The trail starts out winding around all the rock.
 After a short hike you start to get views of some of the goblins.

I got separated (taking too many pictures) from my party and ended up on the Curtis Bench Trail that took me farther out into Valley 1 with views of Valley 2 and
 Valley 3.
Finally, I lifted my head from the camera and thought I spied some figures I knew.
Sure enough, it was Grandma and C and Q!
They had all been exploring the rocks wondering where I had wandered off to.

The happy group back together again!
Hike: Entrada Trail
Trails Used: Entrada Trail to Curtis Bench Trail
Distance:  4.25
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 1.9 mph
Overall Time: 2 hr, 10 min
Total Ascent: 312 ft.

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