Monday, August 19, 2013

Flowers Trail Hike (Pingree Park)

Took a short hike this weekend.  Next time we won't have anything we need to be back home for because we didn't tire the kids out.  They were still picking at each other later in the day.  They definitely needed to work harder.  
View of one of the beaver ponds.   We didn't get to see any beavers though.
Lunch spot:

We passed some raspberry bushes right in the middle of the trail on the way out that had luscious looking berries.  I only had one...thought the animals in the woods might appreciate them more than I.
The flowers were out in abundance but beginning the decline to fall.  
Campanula or 'Bells' as my daughter likes to call them


Leather Flower


Rose Hips

 Waiting for 'the girls':
Hike: Flowers Trail
Trails Used:  Flowers Trail to Beaver Park (up Old Flowers Road from Pingree Park exit)
Distance: 4.00 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 1.8 mph
Overall Time: 2 hrs, 10 min
Total Ascent: 893 ft.

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