Saturday, August 24, 2013

USA Pro Cycling Challenge

We went downtown this weekend to see the end of the USA Pro Cycling Challenge.  The hubby biked up to the reservoir to see some of the race and then met us down there.  It was a pretty exciting atmosphere.  All the support cars, advertisers, and police sped by us before the bikes passed.  
Coming down from Horsetooth Reservoir
Nearing the finish in old town

 After the race we had a tour on the trains that were parked in the middle of downtown.  We've never known the city to shut down the train tracks for any event!  It was pretty cool seeing the inside.

We promised the kids if they made the bike ride and were patient with us they could have their first ever Slurpee.  

Bike: Old Town
Trails Used: Power Line to Spring Creek to Remington to Old Town, to CSU, to Mason Trail, to Boardwalk and home 
Distance: 14.42 miles
Difficulty: Easy (for the adults, not so bad for the kids-this was their longest bike ride ever)
Overall average: 5.4 mph
Overall Time: 2 hr, 41 min
Total Ascent: 111 ft.

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