Thursday, August 15, 2013

My daughter ran over a bull snake!

I'm only adding this because my daughter ran over a three foot long bull snake sunning itself in the middle of the trail.  I was riding along behind her and was looking elsewhere until about 5 seconds before she ran over it.  I saw it, debated what to do, decided it was better not to say anything since she hadn't noticed it yet (I didn't want her to stop right on it or fall off her bike trying to avoid it), she noticed it with about one second to react, ran over it, and then got kind of scared.  Her brother was behind me screaming like a ninny!  It was all very entertaining.  The snake seemed fine...I hope it really was...we really didn't want to hurt it.  The rest of our bike ride was spent looking for any stray snakes on the sides of the trail.  Luckily, we didn't see anymore!

Bike: Poudre Trail 
Trails Used:  Lee Martinez Park west to LaPorte
Distance: 9.13 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 8.2 mph
Overall Time: 1 hr, 06 min
Total Ascent: 123 ft.

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