Monday, April 8, 2013

We stayed at the Devils Garden Campground inside the park.  It was a beautiful location with many campsites nestled within the rocks
and many even had nice views.
We were lucky enough to be visited by these pink flamingos.  The kids spent the whole first day debating whether they were real or not.  When they disappeared and reappeared the next morning they were even more flummoxed.  It's safe to say that 'Flamango Mango & Shrimpy Pink' have since been captured and are thriving in their new home in Fort Collins.   They don't appear to be going anywhere!
A trip anywhere with the four of us would not be complete unless we had completely filled up the back cab of my truck.  Isn't the girl scout motto 'always be prepared?'
Luckily the husband and my father had cut lots of firewood prior to our trip.  Our days were in the 50's but it was 30's in the morning and evening.  A fire was a must.  We would have been in trouble had we relied on the campground to have wood for sale.  They were out all three days we were there. Apparently the boy scout motto is also 'always be prepared!'
We ate pretty well on this trip. 
Look at that butter coating the bagel!
We were glad when someone was able to nap but the hubby and I would have preferred it to be one of the kids...not grandpa!

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