Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chicken corners, at long last!

 Daddy had spent a lot of time telling the kids about 'Chicken Corners' so they were very excited the day we set out to go there.   We ended up spending about 5 hours in the car that day but it was all right since it was such a pretty ride.  We started low and climbed up to Hurrah Pass.
 Views of the Potash Ponds.
 Coming down the other side of Hurrah Pass.
 Great views of the Colorado River:
 The chicken dance at chicken corners:
The real chicken corners:
 It was necessary to go very slow and carefully so  as to not fall off the cliff or scrape up your vehicle on the rock.
I promise that's not our paint on that rock!
 A nice spot for lunch until the wind started gusting!
 Notice that only one person goes around the rock cliff.  We decided this was the real chicken corners and that Daddy lost his man card that day!  :)

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