Sunday, February 3, 2013

Arthur's Rock

Lory State Park was a fantastic place to get outside this weekend.  The hike up to Arthur's Rock was scenic and entertaining for all ages. I hope we keep having these 50 degree days.
 At the top of Arthur's Rock.
 This hike has tons of great rocks to climb.
 The girl with the yellow hat.
 One of the few 'good' pics I have of this kid when he's not smirking or covering his face.
 Really, I wasn't was a beautiful and enjoyable day.
 Nothing tastes better than a cold one after a long hike!
Hike: Arthur's Rock (Lory State Park)
Trails Used:  Arthur's Rock Trail to Howard Trail to Mill Creek Link
Distance: 5.17 miles
Difficulty: Easy to moderate
Overall average: 1.4 mph
Overall Time: 3 hrs, 35 mins
Total Ascent: 1685 ft.

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