Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl fun with a Baltimore Ravens Party!

The kids were really excited about watching the last football game of the season so we decided to have a 'family' party.  We all were to contribute ideas as to what type of food would be best.  Obviously, we didn't hit all of our food groups but you've got to break the rules sometimes! 

C's idea:  Egg rolls.  I had never made these before and they were great.  I didn't fry them so they didn't have quite the same texture on the outside but they were crisp and good.
I made some sweet and sour sauce that turned out pretty nice.
Q wanted ice cream.  She wanted Kit Kats, and C wanted peanut butter.  So that's what I made.  It was a tasty combination w/ my new bourbon Madagascar vanilla beans that just came in the mail last week.
And last but not least the hubby and I wanted beer.  Our friends had just given us this turtle to make a Black & Tan so we tried it out.  Unfortunately, I couldn't wait long enough to take a picture with it's nice head or even a full glass.  :)  Cheers!
We were going to do meatballs as well but we had too many leftovers from the night before.  Maybe we'll do those for our next 'family' party!

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