The bike ride was great. The sun was just coming up as I started. The hot air balloon was taking off in Windsor by Eastman Park.
This bike ride is usually a little shorter but there was a piece closed that probably added 2-3 miles. My changed route took me by the Vesta's plant (wind turbine blades). I had to stop on the way home to let this big daddy get out on the road.
My changed route also took me by the Kodak plant. I believe a small portion is still being used in the back area but part of the front was being demolished. Their plant used to look like a lush golf course. Those days are obviously long gone unless you consider the rampant spread of bind weed lush!
Bike: Poudre River Trail to Greeley
Trails Used: Poudre River Trail
Distance: 57.67 miles
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult (lengthwise)
Overall average: 13.2 mph (went the exact same speed as last year)
Overall Time: 4 hrs, 22 min
Total Ascent: 67 ft.
Overall average: 13.2 mph (went the exact same speed as last year)
Overall Time: 4 hrs, 22 min
Total Ascent: 67 ft.