Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Christmas Season: Christmas Lights, baking cookies, a visit to see Santa @ the Spring Creek Gardens, decorations

M&M cookies:
Peppermint Molasses Cookies:
Meringues w/ Dark Chocolate Sprinkled on Top:

A good book and a cup of eggnog with toasted homemade marshmallows:

Neighborhood lights w/ kisses for the reindeer:

Spring Creek Gardens:
There won't be any pics of the kids with Santa this year...he was late showing up!

Lights around Fort Collins:

The girls trip downtown:
 The lights were beautiful and could get even the biggest Grinch in the spirit of Christmas!
 The trip downtown wasn't complete without a stop at Walrus Ice Cream:
 You know you live in Ft. Collins when...
they light up their bikes!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.  Don't let it run you around!

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