Sunday, December 21, 2014

A gloomy, chilly, and icy day @ Riverbend Ponds

This hike became day 3 of our 3 day exercise plan to rid the kids of all their negative energy (ie. constant squabbling that mommy couldn't put up with).  I wasn't very motivated since it was gray but wanted to stick to our original plan to tire these kids out!  This was a quick close to home adventure and the kids have always had fun with the water and rocks.  I was hoping we were going to see lots of geese (since they are everywhere in town lately) but hadn't counted on all the ponds being frozen.

The kids quickly got in the spirit of the walk by trying to break the ice.  Try as they might it was just too hard.
We spotted quite a few beaver chewed trees right out of the parking lot by the first pond but didn't see any beavers or dams.
The ice provided many opportunities for play.  It was hard to keep them off of it.

The boardwalks provided areas for exploration.
Smiles=no squabbling=happy mom! 

We discovered that when you hit the air bubbles in the ice that water would come shooting out.
When we got along the Poudre River we finally saw some ducks and geese.

Hike: Riverbend Ponds
Trails Used: Riverbend Ponds off Prospect Road
Distance:  2.82 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average:  1.7 mph
Overall Time:  1 hr, 40 min
Total Ascent:  151 ft.

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