Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What happens when hail hits a garden?

The hail storm wreaked havoc on my garden/veggie eating this summer.  It seems amazing looking at these pictures that I actually harvested anything this year.
Hail storm end of June:
 3 Weeks Later:
 End of August:
 No matter how good it looks it still took a while to get anything to ripen.  Notice there are no red tomatoes in the above picture.  I got my first one August 22.  It was tiny and I had to split it three ways!  I'm glad I have a veggie loving son but I sure wasn't that day!

The crop was slow to come in but I was still able to have some of my favorite delicacies.
Roasted peppers w/ cream cheese and bacon:
 Roasted carrots:
 Beets and swiss chard with feta and balsamic vinegar:
I told the kids that these carrots were married:
 The replanted cucumbers spread like crazy and were dangling all over my trellis and arborvitaes.
 Finally, some variety (cucumber, carrots, purple potatoes, and garlic):
 After my first tomato (remember how small he was) I didn't get anymore until the end of September.  I finally had two good size ones so I had my first BLT September 26th.  It was good but the tomatoes aren't as flavorful and some are a bit mushy (due to some cold weather).
 My last bountiful fall harvest:
 My lone cantaloupe (pretty flavorful):

 My lone watermelon still needed some more time to ripen and grow (he was only about the size of a softball.)
I still have 20-25 largish tomatoes out there that I hope ripen before they freeze!

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