Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gone Fishing?

 Nope, but I did head out to Swetsville Zoo.  I hadn't been since the kids were little (I think Q had to be propped up for pictures).  I had to get away from the fishbowl my house has been for the past couple of weeks.  The roofers are done, the painters are almost done, and the windows will be done in two weeks.  I need my space back!  This visit provided some much needed relaxation...

 until I ran into this dinosaur!
 Okay, who are we kidding?  I did need to get out of the house but it was also my last 70 degree day for awhile and I wanted to take the jeep out for a spin with the top off.  I headed over to the Strauss Cabin next.  I'd never seen it before and I guess this will be the closest I ever get thanks to those darn arsonists.

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