Saturday, January 11, 2014

Snowshoeing the Blue Lake Trail up the Poudre Canyon

After a long (~ 2 hrs.), curvy drive up the Poudre Canyon (with one kid getting carsick (luckily only a stomach ache)) we made it to our destination.  The Blue Lake Trail is heavily wooded.  There was a good amount of fresh snow on the sides of a well packed down snowshoe trail.  The kids had many opportunities for playing:

There wasn't too much differentiation in colors on this snowshoe but I found this moss hanging from some trees that added a splash of color along the way.

The hubby dug out a hole for the kiddos to sit in and eat their lunch out of the wind.  (This was just a windy day, otherwise it wouldn't have been needed-I think he just wanted to play as well!)

We didn't make it too far but we did manage to have an enjoyable day.  My daughter complained about cold feet so we turned around earlier than expected.  (I do think I got played!)

We saw these sheep on the drive back down.
Snowshoe: Blue Lake
Trails Used:  Blue Lake (up the Poudre Canyon)
Distance:  2.9 miles (it's 5 miles out to the lake)
Difficulty: Easy (the portion we did)
Overall average: 1.2 mph
Overall Time: 2 hr, 25 min
Total Ascent: 394 ft.

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