Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A rant about cable TV...

I admit to being a bit behind in the technological age.  I don't have an iPhone, I don't text, and I don't TiVo, let alone have cable TV.  I just got around to taking my first selfie. (I know, how 2013!).

I even admit to having rabbit ears in our attic that ensure we get the main 3 network stations plus 2 small ones, and about 20 Spanish language channels.  So I don't really ask for too much in my television programming, just something to pass the next hour or so.  You would think that spending a week around cable television would produce a television watching orgy of epic proportions!  Well, I'm sadly disappointed and a bit disgusted with what I found after spending a week with cable in Breckenridge.

This is the third night of me going to bed early because I could find absolutely nothing on and having to read/finish a book I could give a hoot about. (Sorry E.B White, I loved Charlotte's Web just not a book about the writing of it).   So I started with HGTV.  Normally, I like HGTV but I've found out that they really only have about 4 programs:  house hunters (and all of its off shoots), first time home buyer's, renovation realities, and rehab addict.....bah humbug!  After nixing HGTV I found a program with some good music (maybe I just have a thing for short, bald guys and a penchant for bad music),
 and proceeded to peruse the rest of the channels.  I first found DOGTV,
the "ideal babysitter for home alone dogs",
 but all it offered up was this blank screen.  I guess home alone dogs don't need much stimulation!
 My husband informed me that perhaps there are a bunch of sounds that my lovely 'people' ears can't hear. Makes sense but it's still a channel for dogs when I can't find a darn thing to watch on over 300 channels!  I personally prefer the "Pitbull" variety so I stuck with that while I searched some more.

Next, I came across the highly inappropriate channels at the bottom of the screen.
WOW, really????  Is this what your children are coming across as they search for their cartoons?  Just so you know, I kept searching, but I did have a good laugh.  The titles are quite original!

I ran across the TNNSHD channel that has WTA and ATP tennis available but we weren't so lucky to subscribe to those channels or even the NBCSHD channel that had the Olympic Trials on.
Maybe Adam Levine for ProActiv would entice me (he does have the bad music thing going for him but looking at him when he's 13 and has acne doesn't do much for me), or even The Shark vs. The Dyson, Total Gym Fit, Wen Hair, Flameless Candles, More Sex, Less Stress?   
Uh, no.
Half a dozen babies was mildly intriguing (the title) but not enough to get me to click there.
I knew I would be going back there later in the evening since my father has a strange affection for the LMN network.  And just so you know that what I write is true, I'm currently watching the Familiar Stranger.  
Sounds exciting, doesn't it?  

I was disappointed to find only one Criminal Minds available (not that I want to watch that show...they & CSI grossed me out about 7 years ago and I haven't looked back since!)  since my usual cable search finds 5 different Law & Orders and CSI's to watch at any given time in a day.
I think I'll just go home and keep reading books (hopefully, ones better than what I'm currently reading) and stay far away from cable TV.

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