Monday, September 16, 2013

Socked in...rain, flooding, and fun in Fort Collins this past week!

 Day one of the storm and we had almost 3 inches of rain.  For those of you who don't live in Colorado that is unheard of.  It seems like we rarely get that much in a year (yes, an exaggeration but not by much!)  We ended up with 5.1 inches over 5 days.  Lucky for us there was no flooding in our area.  We had overflowing drainage ditches

 but you had to get near the Poudre River to see any real flooding or damage.  During one of the breaks in the rain I got the kids outside to release some pent up energy.  I found these cute mushrooms springing up out of my lawn.

 We went worming for my garden.  Usually we can get some pretty fat ones in the drainage ditch behind our house.
 I love that you can see my daughter and I in the middle of the bubble.
 Playing in the running water with our rain boots started out innocently enough....

 then turned into full on celebration...

capped off by out of control chaos!

The smiles just wouldn't stop!
We even saw this crayfish camping out in the ditch.
I'd say they probably had more fun staying home with mom today then going to school!

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