Monday, September 23, 2013

The kids on their bikes went round and round all through the town! (21.8 miles!)

We decided that the kids needed to do a 20 mile bike ride before winter started since they are in such good biking shape and since they have so much energy during the week (i.e. picking at each other and driving mommy insane.)  Amazingly, they did it without complaining and seemed to have a good time doing it.  We took lots of breaks (with many different types of snacks and drinks involved),
(cool Cottonwood on CSU's campus)

and had a nice lunch at a park.

Can you believe she went this far on this bike?  It's a one speed!  Those little legs were just a pumping!
The home stretch:
The weary bikers:
What did these hard workers need to recuperate?
A strawberry milkshake!
Bike: All around town
Trails Used:  Power Line Trail, to Spring Creek, to CSU, to Spring Creek, to Spring Canyon Park, to Cathy Fromme Prairie, to Mason Trail, and back
Distance: 21.88 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 7.0 mph
Overall Time: 3 hr, 07 min
Total Ascent: 373 ft.

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