Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wolves at Hermit Park

Drove up to Hermit Park right outside of Estes Park this morning.  We went to see the Wolfwood Refuge (near Durango) put on a presentation about the wolves and wolf dogs that they rescue.  The hour long program was very interesting.  I learned all sorts of things about wolves that I didn't know.  We got to go pet this 5 month old puppy who is a new addition to their refuge.
The dogs were just gorgeous and had varying levels of wolf in them.  They just got a pack of nine from Alaska and brought two of them on their tour.  This was a full wolf.
 This was a low level wolf:
 After the talk we headed up the Kruger Rock trail for about a 4 mile hike.
The views from the top were fantastic.  You could see Long's Peak,
and the whole valley of Estes Park.
We had a yummy lunch up top before we headed back down.
 Sadly, the Aspen have already started changing colors.
At the beginning and end of the trail there were many wildflowers.  
Porter Aster:
Bush Sunflower:
Hike: Kruger Rock (Hermit Park)
Trails Used:  Kruger Rock
Distance: 4.01 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 1.8 mph
Overall Time: 2 hrs, 16 mins
Total Ascent: 1195 ft.

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