Friday, June 27, 2014

The Daily Grind: Eden, South Dakota Style

Everyone was in town to celebrate Eden's 100th anniversary.  Besides getting ready for the centennial
we had lots to keep us busy.  The kids were running the streets
or biking

or playing at the park
with an occasional visit to Dan's Grocery for goodies!
The adults took a road trip to the International Vinegar Museum.  We had fun cruising around with the top down...
some more than others!

Lots of games were played.

2014 was a benchmark year for a couple of people.

A shot (birthday cake vodka) to 50 and 75 years!
General maintenance was done...supervision is always a good idea.
General maintenance was done to my little girl as well.  She got a fantastic cut from this new shop in downtown Eden.

 She was quite pleased with that braid!
Had to throw in a shot of the patriotic nails as well!

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