Monday, May 12, 2014

The contradictions of nature (snow vs. the mothy moths!)

We started off with hail on Friday.  That's always a welcome weather occurrence once I have my garden in the ground (do you sense the sarcasm?).  Luckily, nothing was too advanced to have sustained much damage.  My little girl had fun running around and collecting the hail!

 It's amazing that we had a pretty nice day on Saturday until the afternoon when the rain started during their late soccer games.  Unfortunately, the weather forecasters were right and we woke up on Mother's Day with a couple of inches of snow!  I sent the kids off this morning in their boots and winter coats.
 The garden is now covered in hopes that whatever is planted will survive the deep freeze expected tonight!  (24 degrees)!!
 I will remember you fondly my sweet little columbine!

Funny that I observed this guy hanging out in my house this morning!  Maybe the deep freeze will do something good and kill these suckers off for the year and I won't have to deal with them for the next month!

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