Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Snowshoeing & Skiing in Breck

We had an early spring break up in Breckenridge this past week.  Besides the hut trip we went hot tubbing, 
 and sledding.  
A trip to Breck would NOT be complete without a trip to Daylight Donut's and Fatty's Pizzeria (not shown).
Snow Shoe: True Romance Mine
Trails Used: House to Iowa Mill, To Ski Jump, to True Romance and Back to House
Distance: 4.79 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 2.7 mph
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 48 min
Total Ascent: 806 ft.

Snow Shoe: Whole Loop
Trails Used: House to Iowa Mill, Ski Hill, True Romance, Sally Barber, Up, and Home
Distance: 5.53 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 2.7 mph
Overall Time: 2 hrs, 02 min
Total Ascent: 1087 ft.


Snow Shoe: Backwards Loop (Some of it)
Trails Used: House to Iowa Mill, to Ski Jump, to Sally Barber Mine, to True Romance, Home
Distance: 5.51 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 2.8 mph
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 58 min
Total Ascent: 1039 ft.

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