Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hewlett Gulch

What a gorgeous day for a hike.  We took a scenic drive up the Poudre Canyon this morning with the grandparents and kiddo's and went for a snow hike at Hewlett Gulch.  The trail was nicely packed out so we didn't need snowshoes.  Had we been thinking and on top of it parents, we would have remembered the snow pants so the kids could have played but we weren't on top of it parents!  They still had fun.  There were many streams to cross:
Ice chunks to play with:
And scenic vistas to look at:
There were a couple foundations left of some old homesteads:
We had a little one that was a tad under the weather (coughing and snotty) so we didn't go quite as far as we would have liked.  It would be fun to come back up and do it again.

Hike: Hewlett Gulch
Trails Used:Hewlett Gulch
Distance: 1.9 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 1.4 mph
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 23 min
Total Ascent: 311 ft.

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