Monday, June 13, 2011

Biking along the voluminous Poudre River

Well, I tried to anyhow! Many of the underpasses were blocked due to the cresting Poudre River. This resulted in a more industrial and less picturesque ride than I had anticipated! It was still nice to be outside enjoying the warm weather though.
My favorite part of this trail is where the bridge goes over the water for awhile.
This is where the kayaker's and firefighter's practice. It is closed until further notice. They did say that the water crested last week so maybe this is as full as it will get!
On the way back home I went through CSU's campus and enjoyed the lovely oval. It's one of the few picturesque parts of the campus.
Bike: Poudre Trail
Trails Used: Power Line Trail, Poudre Trail, Old Town, CSU Campus, Mason Trail to Fossil Creek Park
Distance: 27.22 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 12.4 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 11 min
Total Ascent: 215 ft.

1 comment:

  1. No pictures in your last 2 posts. Technical problem, or on purpose?
