Monday, March 22, 2010

Horsetooth Mountain Park

I went on a nice hike today. Maybe I should say snow hike since I was walking through anywhere from 2" of the fluffy white stuff to 1' of the fluffy white stuff. It was a cool (12 degrees) morning that warmed up quickly (34 degrees) w/ brilliant blue skies! (What I would call a 'Colorado Morning') Icicles were hanging off the rocks and started to melt and break off (a musical symphony) throughout the hike. I broke trail for the first 5 miles and then it got considerably easier as I reached the more traveled and downhill part. I took a ton of pictures (couldn't help my self, it was SO pretty) so that slowed my time down. I think I only actually stopped once to catch my breath. I wasn't planning on taking Stout Trail but I was looking down the whole time (the footing wasn't great since you couldn't see underneath the snow) so I missed the Spring Creek Trail and somehow hooked up w/ Stout Trail. I had beautiful views of Longs Peak, the Front Range, and Horsetooth Rock and Reservoir. If I had been 45 min-1 hr later I would have even better view of Horsetooth Falls. I waited for the sun to come around and shine on them but it was taking too long and I'd already taken a lot of pictures by then. For my next hike I need to remember my hiking poles! I don't know why I keep forgetting them. With the footing so sketchy this time of year they would be very helpful!

Hike: Horsetooth Mountain Park
Trails Used: Horsetooth Falls Trail, cut to Stout Trail, Herrington Trail, Spring Creek Trail, Watham Trail, Westridge Trail, Horsetooth Rock Trail back to the bottom
Distance: 7.15 Miles
Difficulty: Moderate to More Difficult (due to the snow)
Moving average: 2.4 mph
Overall average: 1.9 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 57 min
Stopped Time: 52 min, 47 sec
Total Ascent: 1573 ft.
Maximum elevation: 6923 ft.
Horsetooth Falls
View of Long's Peak

Horsetooth Reservoir

Horsetooth Rock