Monday, March 9, 2015

Loch Vale again by mistake but then we hit our intended target: Mills Lake

There are so many different trails heading out from the Glacier Gorge trailhead that it gets confusing making sure you're on the right one.  We hit the split and made the turn for Mills Lake but then met another split and took the wrong one (we assumed both would take you to Mills Lake).  We ended up at Loch Vale again (we did this hike about two months ago) but along a completely different route. 
Today we had crystal clear skies and warm air (high 30's, low 40's) with no wind.
 The snow had blown off or melted from much of the ice so we were able to look down into the lake and see how the air bubbles froze as they were coming to the surface.  Very cool!
 I didn't know they had sea lions in RMNP!

 On our way back down to hit Mills Lake we found some fun sledding hills.
 We were up close and personal with the ice climbers this time.
 Q and I made it all the way to Mills Lake.  It was a nice view but...
there was a mutiny!  My children were the grumpiest they've ever been on a snowshoe/hike.  We had told them they needed to get in shape for soccer so we were doing the whole hike no matter what.  Oh, did their legs, backs, and feet ache and we heard every whine all the way up and half the way down!
 Personally, I think the view at the top made it all worth while!

Hike: Loch Vale to Mills Lake
Trails Used: Glacier Gorge Trail Head to Albert Falls to Loch Vale to Mills Lake and back down
Distance: 6.6 miles
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Overall average: 1.5 mph
Overall Time: 4 hr, 14 min
Total Ascent: 1431 ft.

Peep, peep!

The bday girl wanted a surprise cake this year.  Since the two of us are in our own personal 'Peep Club,' I decided to make a Peep Cake! 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fort Collins Winter Snow Storm...Finally!

After waiting 3 years for a decent dump in Fort Collins we finally have one.  So far we've had about 6-7 inches with a little more expected tonight.  Maybe the kids will finally get to sled on something more than lightly covered grass! Took the Jeep out today and had fun with the camera.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Great company, great views, great weather, great snow

There was so much improvement between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year that we let the kids tackle the Imperial Express lift.  The views were fantastic even if going down the small groomed area wasn't everyones cup of tea. 

They are starting to enjoy the bumps and trees.

Hanging with my buddy!
A couple of shots from Thanksgiving.
We saw this moose from the gondola.

A warm day...spring skiing in early winter.
Snack time at Ten Mile Station

After much anticipation the big day finally arrived!

The little one discovered mistletoe this year and was quite taken with it.  She was beaming from ear to ear.
The presents that were already under the tree when we got there were thoroughly checked out.
Even the adults were restless....just counting the minutes until Santa arrives.
Legos are always a winner in our family!
She just had to test these out!
One of his favorite presents...he'd been waiting since November for this.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Elf on the Shelf 2014 Fun: Legos, Selfies, & Toilets

Ted got inspired by all the Lego's in the house this year and went crazy building himself scenes and taking selfies!

 This was by far my favorite:  
He must have been quite pleased with the details...yellow glass on the bottom of the toilet with brown doo doo.  Can't wait to see what he has in store for himself next year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Christmas Season: Christmas Lights, baking cookies, a visit to see Santa @ the Spring Creek Gardens, decorations

M&M cookies:
Peppermint Molasses Cookies:
Meringues w/ Dark Chocolate Sprinkled on Top:

A good book and a cup of eggnog with toasted homemade marshmallows:

Neighborhood lights w/ kisses for the reindeer:

Spring Creek Gardens:
There won't be any pics of the kids with Santa this year...he was late showing up!

Lights around Fort Collins:

The girls trip downtown:
 The lights were beautiful and could get even the biggest Grinch in the spirit of Christmas!
 The trip downtown wasn't complete without a stop at Walrus Ice Cream:
 You know you live in Ft. Collins when...
they light up their bikes!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.  Don't let it run you around!