Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Blue Sky Day @ Devils Backbone

This hike started out with the usual belly aching but ended up with both kids in a decent enough mood. 
Telling a story:

When you're low to the ground it's easy to spot these caterpillars:
Hike: Devils Backbone
Trails Used: Devils Backbone
Distance: 5.2 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 2.1 mph
Overall Time: 2 hr, 26 min
Total Ascent: 675 ft.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Neutered by Neutrals

I can't believe this is the only 'before' pic I could find.  We (namely me) were very excited to finally get rid of our grey colored house this year.  Now I know for sure which one's mine!   I'm  going to leave a trail of red houses behind me like Hansel & Gretel.  It's funny how the color changes in different light.  This one was taken in the late afternoon
 and this one in the early morning.  They look completely different and I would say that the house is actually a color somewhere in between this! Either way I love the new color!!!  I got lucky that the roof, windows, and paint all tie in together.  After picking so many different things without actually seeing them you start to wonder if it's all going to come together or not.