Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stink Lake! South Dakota

Yesterday I went for a 6 mile hike around what we call the quadrants. Funny how perfectly laid out the roads in farm country are: 1 mile for each length in a perfect square! I'll have to see how straight the lines are once I download the GPS info. (Straight, aren't they?)
Hike: Two Quadrants
Distance: 6.11 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 3.8 mph
Moving Time: 1 hrs, 35 min
Total Ascent: 670 ft.

Last night we had a huge booming thunderstorm (.65 inches) so the roads were wet. I decided not to walk for exercise today to help my foot. We headed out to do part of the quadrant but are bike wheels were getting so mucked up we turned around and headed back for town. We ended up going down the road to Stink Lake (it is currently underwater from the large amounts of rain this summer) and then turned around. It is foggy and muggy this morning!

Hike: Stink Lake
Distance: 8.3 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 7.8 mph (How pathetic is that...tells you how muddy the roads were!)
Moving Time: 1 hrs, 03 min (we did stop at Stink Lake for a bit)
Total Ascent: 61 ft.

Finally did just one quadrant! I don't like this way as much since I have to go on the highway for a mile. It was a Saturday and busy for Eden (~6 cars/trucks).
Hike: One Quadrant
Distance: 4.07 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 4.1 mph
Moving Time: 1 hrs, 00min
Total Ascent: 444 ft.

The highlight of our trip was being out at the farm to see this calf seconds after it was born. If we had gone in the barn when mama was mooing (we thought we were upsetting her so we stayed out for a second longer) we would have seen it come out. We did get to see her eating the sac though!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kathy Fromme to Spring Canyon, to Poudre Trail and Home

I really did this August 6th but as you might be able to discern, I've been a bit behind this summer. Too much fun, not enough work!

Bike: Kathy Fromme to Poudre Trail

Trails Used: Kathy Fromme to Spring Canyon Park, to Overland Trail Road, to Poudre Trail, to Power Line Trail
Distance: 29.93 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 13.2 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 16 min
Total Ascent: 246 ft.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Last Visit to Canada Creek Ranch!! Sad :(

Where else can you see elk and deer, swim on the beach, kayak, play on the sand hill, go berry picking, play tennis, have bonfires, get married, have baptisms, or propose to your wife? It's been in the family for 48 years...the end of an era!

Lake Geneva up to Tamey Land

Distance: 4.22 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 6.1mph
Moving Time: 41 min
Total Ascent: 315 ft.
Lake Geneva
Distance: 2.15 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 5.2mph
Moving Time: 24 min
Total Ascent: 147 ft.
Little Joe (Out and Back)-Site of a wedding proposal and two baptism's
Distance: 5.29 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 6.1 mph
Moving Time: 52 min
Total Ascent: 594 ft.
Little Joe (The Back Way)
Distance: 4.91 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 3.7 mph
Moving Time: 1 hr., 19 min
Total Ascent: 594 ft.
Out Back
Distance: 5.03 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 5.3 mph
Moving Time: 57 min
Total Ascent: 620 ft.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Horsetooth Mountain Park

I barely even started hiking and ran into 3 deer. An older buck, and two newbie bucks.

Hike: Horsetooth Mountain Park
Trails Used:
Distance: 7.2 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 2.8 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 37 min
Total Ascent: 2175 ft.

Monday, July 25, 2011

55 Mile Bike Ride!!

I went from my house to Greeley and back on the Poudre Trail. The elevation change was only 105 ft one way! How funny! Where else could you go that far and not change elevation more. I guess that's why they call where I live the high 'plains'. What a state I live in: I was on a trail, not roads for 95% of my trip! I didn't even bring my camera...I was trying to get exercise.

Bike:Poudre Trail, Ft. Collins to Greeley and Back

Distance: 54.72 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 13.2mph
Moving Time: 4 Hrs., 08 min
Total Ascent: 105 ft.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lots of good hikes for July in Breckenridge

Mohawk Lakes

Beautiful hike! We didn't make it too far due to my kiddos. I did get to see one of the falls but would have loved to do all the hike in order to see the lake and views from the top. The water was roaring! This is a hike w/ a ton of old mining equipment and cabins...historical as well as scenic.
Hike: Mohawk Lakes (w/ the family)
Trails Used: Mohawk Lakes
Distance: 1.6 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 1.0 mph
Moving Time: 1 hrs, 34 min
Total Ascent: 904 ft.

Foxy Fox!!

I know this isn't about a hike but we had the opportunity to see 4 baby fox and their mother for the entire week right outside our door. Very cool!Baldy Mountain
We hiked partway up to Baldy Mountain behind the house and saw lots of flowers, goats, and great views!

Views of Breckenridge Ski Area

Alpine Forget-Me-Not
Marsh MarigoldPrairie CinquefoilOne Headed DaisyAlpine SunflowerDwarf CloverSandwort
Purple FringeSnowball Saxifrage Sky Pilot
Hike: Baldy Mountain (not quite to the top)
Trails Used: ski hill and up, emmett load and down
Distance: 6.66 miles
Difficulty: Difficult (Steep)
Moving average: 2.2 mph
Moving Time: 3 hrs, 01 min
Total Ascent: 2170 ft.
Iowa Mill, Boreas Pass, Down to Town, Up to House
My next hike was from Boreas Pass down to town, over to Carter Park, and back up to the house. Talk about wildflowers and aspen! I ran across some old mining equipment too!
SnailsIndian Paintbrush
Oregon Grape Holly
Rocky Mountain ColumbineFlaxWild Iris
Broadleaf Arnica
Subalpine ArnicaWild GeraniumRosePotentillaCarter Park flowersLupineRed ColumbineScarlet Gilia
Hike: To Boreas Pass, Down to Town, Up the Bike Trails
Trails Used: see above
Distance: 11.06 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 3.1 mph
Moving Time: 3 hrs, 39 min
Total Ascent: 2432 ft. (picture doesn't include from house to Iowa Mill in the beginning)

Meadow Creek
Our next hike was a new one for everyone. We drove into Frisco and hiked from one highway exit to the next. You wouldn't have known during the hike. We were far away. At times we were in 4 ft. of snow, our feet soaking wet, and were rarely on a trail. Our guide, Rusty (a 60 year old local), told us it was the most snow he's seen in July in all of his years hiking here!

Some of the many creeks/rivers we passed, crossed, or saw:
These unique columbine were near the beginning of the hike.A major obstacle to cross w/out falling in or getting wet!The only way to get down w/out falling on your face. It was fun too!These mushrooms were growing right next to the snow in the picture above. Finally, we got past all that snow.
Of course w/ all that water we saw there were wildflowers. But not as many as you might think since the ground was still cold!  Marsh MarigoldAlpine SpringbeautyThe snow was melting in unusual undulations...Three of us climbed to the top of a pass to see the view. It was well worth the effort through all the snow.Even better, we were able to slide down on our butts afterwards!
We took a break and Rusty spotted a hard to find orchid growing all by itself.  A fairy slipperPeek a boo Mr. Elk. If only my hands and camera would work faster. I might have gotten a cool picture! It's a bit like 'Where's Waldo?'.Hike:Meadow Creek
Trails Used: Meadow Creek (that's when we were actually on a trail)
Distance: 11.85 miles
Difficulty: Moderate (except for length of hike)
Moving average: 1.5 mph (oh my god was this slow)
Moving Time: 8 hrs, 09 min
Total Ascent: 3996 ft. (picture doesn't include from house to Iowa Mill in the beginning)
LinkOther Hikes:

House to Iowa Mill, Ski Hill, True Romance, Sally Barber, up, back to House
Distance: 5.79 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 2.3 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 33 min
Total Ascent: 1295 ft.
Boreas Pass to Iowa Mill, down to House
Distance: 5.64 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 2.8 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 02 min
Total Ascent: 1411 ft. House to Iowa Mill, Ski Hill, True Romance, Sally Barber, heart attack hill, House
Distance: 5.69 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 2.7 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 05 min
Total Ascent: 1336 ft.
House to Iowa Mill, Ski Hill, House
Distance: 3.32 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 3.5mph
Moving Time: 56 min
Total Ascent: 726 ft.